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" Let me solve your question about 0.5% of myself"

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"Well, I'm extremely known as Nisya Ismail born on 7th June 1994 live for twenty years old who always won't care what is on your mind and hate to know something that is out of my business. Just a simple girl who loves to sing as it is half of my life. I'm a very sensitive but an EGOis girl as I'm the youngest daughter and also children in my beloved family. I was one of God's creations born to be a fashion lover also adored with all my pretty cute things and surprising, by seeing their pictures' spontaneously will make me crazy screaming on that time. Only ALLAH knows me better, definitely you have no right to judge for who I am or what should I do. I care much about the things I love, it could be anyone or anything: as the illation; it's everything. Be grateful with what ALLAH had grace to you in this transient world and yes, it is lasting for a short time only. I have a strong dislike for a person such as fakers, cheaters, etc. 'Fakers' are trying their hardest to be someone else and I know some of them is the one of you here, especially fakers who always steal the others' style. Hey darling, can you please use your brain and find for your own idea or identity, wannabe's."

Aq BENCI orang macam it0o..! Grrrrrrrrrrr~

x sedar diri!! huh!

assalamualaikum ! as usual,, jawab la dulu salam aq tu.. hurm, aq ngah marah nem.. ngah marah sangat100x! pada sesaper yang terasa tu,, atas korang sendirian berhad la yer ! x sedar diri.. aper,, maser ko view blog kesayangan aq nem, ko tak bace ke dekat "Let me solve your question about 0.5% of myself" tu..?? aper..??? ko tataw eh katner letaknyer benda tu..?? haa,, memang ko BUTA la kalau macam tu.. PERINGATAN yer..! aq sama sekali tidak menyukai malah memBENCI sesaper yang "COPYCAT" profile aq or papew jew pasal aq ! x kire la cara aq menulis ker,, entry entry aq ker,, lagu lagu aq ker,, aper yang ader lam profile aq ker.. hey orang TAK SEDAR DIRI, aq akan selamanya memBENCI ko..! if ko nakk sangat wat macam aper yang aq wat,, mintak la dulu ! mulut ader, tangan ader, faceb0ok ader.. teg0r2 la beb! ni maen amek jew.. tak tahu malu ! huh.. mujur aq x sebarkan jew link blog ko tu budak ! biar sumer owg tahu yang ko ni suka MENIRU orang ! nampakk sangat kan ko nem selalu meniru lam peperiksaan.. aq harap sangat2 ko bace entry aq nem sambil sambil ko view blog aq nanti sebab nak CURIK style aq ! aper..? ko raser pedas ea..?? nak nanges..? nak meraung..??? huh,, ader aq kesah..??? ko ingat la yer,, lepas ni law ko tegur aq ker dengan ayat ayat tak beradab ko tuh.. (x padan nan junior!),, aq xkan pernah layan ko lagi..! kecuali kalo ko mintak maaf n mengaku salah nan aq.. ingat yer *A***!! aq BENCI ko! and pada sesaper yang bace entry aq nem,, ini peringatan untuk korang juga yer.. aq bukan nak ugut ugut korang ke aper ke.. aq juz nak INGATKAN korang jangan sesekali curik style orang,, k?? sebab nanti law ader orang yang curik style korang,, mesti korang akan hanginn satu badan cam aq juga kann..?? so,, jadikan ini sebagai peringatan yer.. 

kalau ko nakk sangat wat macam aq,, at least tanyerla dulu.. kut mesej ker,, facebook ker,, kol ker.. mintak elok elok nan aq.. law nak suruh aq ajar macam kawan aq, "SITI ZULAIKHA CHE ABDULLAH" n "AQILA ESYANAQIWA" mintak elok elok kat aq dulu,, of coz aq xkan sesekali marah keyh.. and aq akan ajar or terangkan kat korang satu persatu dengan baiknyer.. and aq suker orang yang banyak bertanya.. tapi,, kalau orang macam ko la **Z**,, sory la ea.. aq benci orang macam tu ! maen curik jew yang orang punyer.. aper,, cita cita ko nakk jadi PENCURI ker..??? ingat yer budak tak sedar diri,, nanti len kali ko view blog aq,, sila silalah ko bace aper yang aq tulis kat "Let me solve your question about 0.5% of myself" tu dulu sebelum ko copy copy aper yang ader lam blog aq neyh ! or,, ko ader facebook aq kan..?? sila silalah ko bace kat info aq tu yer budak ! bace kat about me.. memang aq jelaskan satu persatu dah pasal diri aq.. kalau ko x faham sebab aq taep kut english,, sila sediakan kamus yer kat tepi.. tapi xkanla ko x faham,, ko tu kan budak sekolah sains.. juz ko tu junior jew.. muda sket dari aq.. tapi xkan simple english cam aper yang aq taep tu ko x faham kot... kalo ko tak faham memang ko tak layak la pergi skewl tu.. ingat yer budak ! selagi ko x sedar diri,, selagi tu aq benci ko ! L.O.S.E.R ..

p/s : sory la yer pada korang yang berniat baek view blog aq nem n nak bace aper yang ader lam blog aq nem hanya untuk suka suka or hilangkan borim,, aq mintak maaf sangat100x sebab entry aq kali neyh sangat tidak beradab.. truely,, its not for you.. entry ini hanya untuk orang yang aq maksudkan kat atas tadi jer.. lots of sorry,, untuk korang yang sentiasa support and ikuti perkembangan aq, aq cayamm korang sangat2! huhu,, thanks for viewing my blog.. =)

100% original,


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