Tinggalkan jejak di Shoutbox yea.. Thanks(^-^)

" Let me solve your question about 0.5% of myself"

My photo
"Well, I'm extremely known as Nisya Ismail born on 7th June 1994 live for twenty years old who always won't care what is on your mind and hate to know something that is out of my business. Just a simple girl who loves to sing as it is half of my life. I'm a very sensitive but an EGOis girl as I'm the youngest daughter and also children in my beloved family. I was one of God's creations born to be a fashion lover also adored with all my pretty cute things and surprising, by seeing their pictures' spontaneously will make me crazy screaming on that time. Only ALLAH knows me better, definitely you have no right to judge for who I am or what should I do. I care much about the things I love, it could be anyone or anything: as the illation; it's everything. Be grateful with what ALLAH had grace to you in this transient world and yes, it is lasting for a short time only. I have a strong dislike for a person such as fakers, cheaters, etc. 'Fakers' are trying their hardest to be someone else and I know some of them is the one of you here, especially fakers who always steal the others' style. Hey darling, can you please use your brain and find for your own idea or identity, wannabe's."

Riang Ria Ray3r ! (*^_^*)

Salam Aidilfitri wat rakan2 shumer.. yay! (#^.^#)
hurm, juz wanna apologize for everything that i've done.. especially kalau;

Terkasar bahasa dalam bicara... Tersilap bicara semasa bersama... Termarah yang tak kena tempatnya... Tertanya tak tentu hala.. Tersasul yang tak sengaja... Terpukul kat mana-mana... Terpekik kuat di telinga... Terhantuk terketuk di kepala... Terpinjam terambil harta & benda... Termoody tak semena-mena... Terumpat bila ada cerita... Teremail benda yang tak sepatutnya you guys terima... Termacam-macam yang kena-mengena...

p/s; writing this post for the first tyme.. hee~

dah baca, silalah tick tahap kepuasan anda dan komen. terima kasih ;)

0 luahan hati si KACAK dan JELITA ^-^:

tinggalkan alamat di sini untuk sesi lawatan "Schewlala" :)

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